Sunday, August 26, 2018

What's Up?

In a blur, it seems, here we are at the beginning of the last week of August, the best laid plans laying at the feet of good intentions.  And even though technically we have almost another month of summer, and even though I have long been out of school, my children are grown, and my grandchildren are not yet old enough for school, I still think of September as the beginning of a "new year".

It's been a lovely summer - too hot for my taste, and for much knitting, but I do now have a new stock of hand knit dish cloths to replace my worn and fraying ones, since that was about the only thing I could bear to knit in the humidity that gripped us for much of the summer.  And I have gone from having about 60% of my "stuff" packed away in storage to 90% as we moved out of our home at the end of June and into an apartment while our new house is being built.  That is a big change, an exciting one, and a situation that gives cause to reflect on the amount of "stuff" one accumulates in this life.  But that is a post for another day.

To escape the unfamiliar confines of a hot apartment away from the ocean breezes with which we were blessed for almost 30 years, I managed to take in a number of the events that I let you know about first here.

First, I attended the first annual Truro Fibre Frolic.  Many great vendors and demonstrations, including our very own Leslie Hauck, owner of the Spinner's Loft here on the Eastern Shore.

The following weekend I attended the opening of the Women's Heritage Celebration at Memory Lane.  Here are some pictures of these talented ladies and their beautiful work.

Below - Lynne Pascoe, Sheep's Clothing, demonstrating the circular sock machine, and a display of their products.

At left, Jan Foley, Salty Hag Studio, and her beautiful needle felted animals.

Photo on the right and below - Gail Lambert, Hook Me Up Rug Supplies, and a display of her stunning work.

 Photo on the right - a display of Leslie's work (Spinner's Loft mentioned above).

Alas I missed the Cole Harbour Fibre Frolic, but I hear it was a great success.  If anyone has any pictures and/or feedback let me know!

And neither last nor least, Woolstock in Tatamagouche, which I managed to get to yesterday for the fibre market, which was held on the final day of the 8 day event.

So still ahead on the calendar of fibre-y goodness - beginning September 11, and every Tuesday from 1 to 3:30, at the Old School Community Gathering Place, there will be a Fibre Arts Drop In Studio.  The cost is a flat $15, which covers September through December weekly drop in dates.  Whatever your talent, bring your projects, questions, and expertise along for a relaxing afternoon of good conversation and inspiration.

At the end of September, I am very excited for the Maritime Machine Knitter's Seminar, this year in Charlottetown, and featuring Diana Sullivan.  In October there is Celtic Colours in Cape Breton, the Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival in Amherst, and finally the brand new Fibre on the Shore Festival on October 27 here in Musquodoboit Harbour.  Stay tuned here for more information on that event.

I hope that you have all had a summer filled with the things that you love to do and the people that you love to do them with, as well as time for reflection and recharging, as we begin a "new year".


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